Scala Contractor and Software Engineer in London, United Kingdom

Visit my Github profile

Passionate Scala Contractor and Tech Enthusiast working in London

I like working with other motivated professionals on teams that want to do great things.

I specialise in building highly scalable, distributed, enterprise-grade software and increasingly in (Big) Data and Machine Learning stacks.

Current: Lead Software Engineer (Contract) at CreateiQ, part of Linklaters

Past: Scala Engineer (Contract) with Valtech (HMRC and NHS), Engineering Manager at Rightster, Development Lead at ITN

I blog sporadically: https://blog.henricook.com

  • Work
  • Education
    • Durham University
  • Personal Projects
    • ULIDTools.com
      Tools for working with ULIDs online. Convert ULIDs to timestamps and UUIDs to ULIDs.
    • MailDrop.dev
      Redirect emails for unlimited addresses and subdomains
    • The Riddler
      Check passwords against the NCSC top 100k most common passwords.
    • ICS to monospace converter
      Convert an ICS file from your Outlook Calendar into a monospace table that's ideal for sharing on Slack.